A California Reader Says That Democrats Aren't Interested In American Opinion When It Contradicts Their Agenda
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12/17/09 - A NY Reader Asks Who Is Paying For Jose Carlos Montano's Legal Defense—And Why

From: Joan O'Brian (e-mail her)

Re: Joe Guzzardi's Column: Obama's Choice: Immigration Moratorium Or Defeat In 2012

Guzzardi wrote:

 "Now, however, only 38 percent of Americans support health  care, while Obama has dropped to 46 percent — his lowest  popularity rating since his inauguration."

I used to wonder why the Democrats kept pushing Obmacare despite the collapse in support from the American people.

I'm quite sure that I know now, though.

Government run health care has been the liberal's crown jewel for decades.

The liberal agenda has always been to create more and more power through government control of the citizens. Federal takeover of the nation's entire healthcare system is the largest piece to the Democrat's goal: authority from birth to death on healthcare decisions for all Americans.

The approval rating of Obamacare could drop to 15 percent and the Democrats would still fight to pass it. Believe it!

The Democrats are not concerned with public opinion on health care or so called comprehensive immigration reform.

Now that the Democrats have the White House and a commanding majority in the House and Senate, the stars are aligned.

This is Democrats' chance. Nothing will stand in their way, even the people they claim to represent.

O'Brian is a part-time hospital administrator in the Bay Area.

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