A California Reader Says There's No Free Lunch—Except For Illegal Alien Kids
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07/09/10 - A Los Angeles Reader Mourns Terry Anderson; Joe Guzzardi Comments

From: Preston Parrish, III (e-mail him)

Re: Brenda Walker's Blog: California Free Food Gets Many Takers

Attention Marjorie Hernandez, reporter for California's Ventura County Star who wrote about the "free lunch" program for alien parasites (email her)!

The lunches don't "come from" the Ventura Unified School District, aren't free and are not for your garden variety, All-American girls and boys.

A more accurate statement would be that the lunches "come from" me. They are paid for by my tax dollars. The program isn't for just any "kid" but rather for illegal alien children or anchor babies. [Lunch Program Feeding lKids Through Summer, by Marjorie Hernandez, Ventura County Star, July 10, 2010)]

California should consider changing its state insignia to a brown outstretched hand, palm up.

Parrish, a community college music teacher, wrote previously about the untrustworthy Meg Whitman here.

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