VDARE.com: 01/18/05 - Blog Articles
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AZ Taxpayers To Fund Reconquista [Joe Guzzardi] - 01/18/05

Raul Yzaguirre, recently retired President of National Council of La Raza but still full-time reconquista, will become "part-time presidential professor of practice in community development and civil rights" in the Arizona State University College of Public Programs, according to the fawning January 7th Arizona Republic story "A Top US Latino Activist Joins ASU," by Yvonne Wingett ([email protected])

That long-winded title means is that Yzaguirre will continue to agitate for the La Raza agenda, but at taxpayer expense.

ASU president Michael Crow burbled:

"We expect him to be an advocate, both inside and outside the university, for the issues that are of greatest importance for the Hispanic community and the state of Arizona. His leadership will enhance ASU's efforts in providing academic and career opportunities for Hispanics." 

(Send mail to Crow c/o [email protected]

Beleaguered Arizona taxpayers already provide millions of dollars annually in services to illegal aliens. Now they must underwrite the $75,000 annual salary of a man who has made a career lobbying on behalf those same illegal aliens.

VDARE.COM In Bear Stearns Study…Sort Of!  [Peter Brimelow] - 01/18/05

Congratulations to D.A.King on figuring out how to access the Bear Stearns study (scroll down - 2cnd link) validating his 20MM illegal immigrant estimate. The study itself is an elegant and valuable piece of work—but I was fascinated to see if author Robert Justich was aware of the pioneering efforts of VDARE.COM's Ed Rubenstein in the area.

The answer is yes (shhh!) The "References" section (P. 14) includes this truncated citation

"Edwin S. Rubenstein, 2004. Illegal Immigration – Unmentionable Answer to Household vs. Payroll Survey Controversy. ESR Research Economic Consulta" [Sic.]

This particular article appeared only on VDARE.COM, although Ed does maintain his own web site. So my guess is that Justich did manfully try to cite VDARE.COM, but that it was inefficiently eradicated by the (P.C)ompliance department of his firm.

Ask them.

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