Article By Patrick J. Buchanan on 12/09/2013

Reagan Was Right on South Africa

 "Apartheid is an affront to human rights and human dignity. Normal and friendly relations cannot exist between the United States and South Africa until it becomes a dead policy. Americans are of one ...
Post By James Fulford on 12/08/2013

Mandela And Gadhafi: "Brother Leaders"

Patrick Cleburne has linked to pictures of Mandela and Castro: Also this one of Mandela and Arafat: But not any of Mandela and Gadhafi (the late Libyan Colonel, also spelled Gadafi, Gadaffi,   Gaddaf...
Post By Steve Sailer on 12/08/2013

Zizek on Mandela

In the New York Times, the nominally Leninist (but perhaps, deep down, more Mussolinist) Slovenian celebrity philosopher Slavoj Zizek laments: Mandela’s Socialist FailureBy SLAVOJ ZIZEK In the last two...
Post By Patrick Cleburne on 12/07/2013

Mandela A "Nasty Individual" Explicated

President Mandela greets Yassir Arafat, 1998 In my blog The Mandela Monster: We Owe Apartheid South Africa I linked to a previous blog in which I said Mandela was actually a nasty individual My fait...
Post By John Derbyshire on 12/07/2013

Radio Derb Is On The Air: Nelson Mandela, an African sensation, Etc.

As a podcast on iTunes, listenable/downloadable onscreen at Taki’s Magazine, or as a transcript here. This week’s broadcast of course notes the death of Nelson Mandela, news of which came as the show w...
Post By Steve Sailer on 12/07/2013

White South African Political Refugee J.M. Coetzee on Nelson Mandela

In the Sydney Morning Herald, the South African-born 2003 Nobel laureate in literature J.M. Coetzee writes: Nelson Mandela has died after a long life – long yet lamentably truncated in that he spent 27...
Post By Patrick Cleburne on 12/06/2013

The Mandela Monster: We Owe Apartheid South Africa

Mandela and Castro: Too old, fortunately Business pressures aka the need to earn a living have forced me into a blogging sabbatical, out of which I have been washed by the tidal wave of mendacious rub...
Post By Steve Sailer on 12/06/2013

A Mandela Mystery

Back in 2004 I recounted a story about Nelson Mandela's 1994 election that I could have sworn I'd read in The Economist in the mid-to-late 1990s. But I've never been able to track down the article (per...