Was Someone Using Hal Turner To Entrap VDARE.COM?
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Alexander Hart's recent analysis of the way in which right radical web radio host/ FBI informant Hal Turner was apparently being used to make the case for Hate Crimes/ Hate Speech totalitarianism rang a bell and I dug into my email inbox (currently 9518 items, aargh) to find this:

Mon 11/27/2006 10:39 PM Sirs: I own Turner Radio Network, an internet and radio broadcasting outlet.

This past summer, I decided to change the tone of the network and cleared out 90% of the existing radio shows. I hope to bring new programming from a variety of credible sources which is the purpose of my writing to you.

I would like to offer VDARE and its contributors, FREE radio time on Turner Radio Network. I am willing to make an initial offer of ONE hour per week for programming of your choice, beginning in January, 2007, remaining free until March.

The show can be pre-recorded or live. If live, it can have listener call-ins or not.

Please let me know if this is of interest to you. IF it is of interest, and the programming is well received by my existing audience, I may extend the amount of time offered per week.

Hal Turner Turner Radio Network 1906 Paterson Plank Road North Bergen, NJ 07047-1900 USA 201 484-7809

(I was going to delete the contact information because Turner's family apparently still live there, but I see they post it on their blog.)

I didn't answer this e-mail, and not just because I am several thousands of emails behind in my correspondence. But now I wonder. November 2006 is well within the period that Turner is supposed to have worked for the FBI—let alone whoever else employed him. What was going on here?

No doubt naively, I also find myself wondering about Turner's statement that he had "decided to change the tone of the network and cleared out 90% of the existing radio shows. I hope to bring new programming from a variety of credible sources which is the purpose of my writing to you."

Despite prim Establishment Conservative assertions to the contrary, VDARE.COM is far from being on the extreme—which is, obviously, a matter of relativity. Is it possible that Turner, who was apparently a conventional conservative quite recently, really did want to come in from the cold?

But of course there is no way back if you're on the right—in mysterious contrast to the endless tolerance extended to the left.

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